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TSW alleviating skin symptoms and Salla's story

Posted by Hanna Savioja on
TSW ihon oireiden helpottaminen ja Sallan tarina

I am writing this blog post from the point of view of a natural cosmetics manufacturer. After becoming an entrepreneur, I imagined that the greatest moment of success would come when I was able to bring bread to the table for my family and get money from work. I was wrong. The feeling of success and the meaning of the work rose when I realized that I was really helping people. I am not a dermatologist and I have no personal experience with topical steroid addiction or TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal). I feel that I am more of a channel to introduce this surprisingly common skin problem. I hope that as many people as possible would avoid this painful disease that even limits social life, and that information about the possible harm caused by cortisone creams would reach as many people as possible, especially parents of small children.

It's great that many people have gotten glowing skin, bouncy hair or fresh underarms with my products, but when customers started coming to me thanking me for the relief of constant skin irritation or a long-lasting pain condition, I get the feeling that I've done something really significant. I am so grateful for these feedbacks.

Salla (on the right) came to the fair to thank me for making these products.

At this year's (2022) I Love Me fair, customer encounters and especially repeated feedback played the most important role in alleviating the symptoms of detoxification from medicinal fat addiction, i.e. TSW. A year ago, I hadn't even heard of this skin problem caused by medicine and cortisone creams. The problem has clearly exploded. It is a pity that the prevalence of this phenomenon cannot be seen from the statistics, because the whole TSW is not recognized in public health care. Many people suffering from medicated fat addiction may be wrongly diagnosed as atopic. In the future, I plan to write a blog post also about the differences between these two conditions (atopia vs. TSW). This disease caused by a synthetic stress hormone could be avoided, but there is no public discussion about it. You can also read Hanna-Kaisa's TSW healing story here .

Salla's story

TSW skin before and after

"So I've been using mild cortisone creams since I was a child for atopy. The use was quite irregular. As an adult, the problem area was mainly the eyelids. A couple of years ago, cortisone didn't help either, but the eyes, around the mouth and the neck were red on and off.

The rash areas of people with TSW skin are often symmetrical
One difference between atopic skin and TSW is that the areas of skin affected by TSW are often symmetrical. Reddened areas are like mirror images on different sides of the body.

I started TSW in May 2021 as soon as I read about it. The symptoms exactly matched mine. After stopping the use of cortisone creams, the symptoms came about a week later. The rash and redness moved through the body. The symptoms were really severe, completely different from the kind of rash I had experienced before. The worst phase lasted about 6 months. After that, the symptoms eased and now, after about 1.5 years, the eyelids still swell and become scaly, but they calm down in about a week.

At the worst time, I used calendula cream and zinc cream as I told you.

- The zinc cream seemed to dry/soothe the skin oozing tissue fluid. Right now I have the occasional fold rash and the zinc cream calms it down in three days. My kids also have a tendency to bend rash and this works for them too. In the worst times, I also put blue cream on my face. Worked well for that too.

-The calendula cream felt "greasy" enough when the skin was at its driest. This cream also did not aggravate the already irritated skin. The cream is really easy to spread and you don't need to rub it on your face.

- In both products, I was attracted by their short list of ingredients, Natural cosmetics and domesticity.
At the moment, the skin is in such good condition that I could probably manage without creams. I only use oils on my face anymore. Before TSW, it was impossible even to think that I wouldn't get greasy after showering. "
t. Salla

Cortisone, a synthetic medical steroid, can temporarily relieve the symptoms, but it will never eliminate the root cause of the rash or disease.

Our body has an incredible ability to heal, balance and cleanse itself. Liver spots, rashes and symptoms that often appear on the surface of the skin are a sign that the body is being cleansed. Long-term use of medicated fats can damage the hormonal function of the entire body, replace the natural cortisol production/stress response, weaken vascular health and expose you to many other diseases, e.g. for adrenal insufficiency. Everything we put on our skin affects our body.

Customers have received help from these products to ease the symptoms of atopic skin and TSW:

Do you want to share your own experience of symptoms caused by cortisone creams or TSW? Or have you received help with symptoms from our products? Send a message to

Also read other blog posts on the same topic:

When the worsened atopy turned out to be a medicated fat addict - Personal experiences with TSW

How to distinguish between atopic dermatitis and TSW skin

More information about TSW and topical steroid addiction: steroid addiction

Facebook Peer Support Group:

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1 comment

  • Tuula Moilanen on

    Hei !
    Olen 63-vuotias, nuorekas, vielä yrittäjänä toimiva nainen. Seuraan rouva Ketoa ja olen muutenkin kiinnostunut terveydestäni.
    Hoidan ihoani hyvin ja laadukkailla tuotteilla. Rva Keton kautta tutustuin tuotteisiinne ja liityin sähköpostilistallenne.
    Minulle oli tullut punoittavaa ihoaluetta nenänpieliin, joita en saanut millään rasvalla pois. Epäilin, että kyse oli couperosasta, joka oli levinnyt muutaman viikon sisällä laajemmaksi.
    Iho ei kutissut, eikä kirvellyt, eikä ollut myöskään näppyläinen.
    Kyse oli ainoastaan kosmeettisesta haitasta. Mutta mikään ei auttanut. Niinpä tilasin teiltä kehäkukkavoiteen, sinkkipalan ja rauhoittavan kasvovesisuihkeen.
    Olen käyttänyt niitä nyt vain pari viikkoa ja punoitus on tiessään.
    Iso kiitos upeista tuotteista ja niinhän se on: Mitä lyhyempi ainesosaluettelo, sitä luonnollisempi tuote ja sitä paremmin toimiva apu ihon haasteisiin. Olen todellakin tyytyväinen ja aion olla asiakkaananne jatkossakin. Ihan huipputuotteet !

    Terkuin Tuula Joensuusta

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