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​The Best Face Cream Is Born Out of the New Harvest of Calendula!

Posted by Hanna Savioja on
Kasvatamme kehäkukkavoiteen kukat Kolme Cosmeticsin omassa hyötypuutarhassa, jotta voimme taata kukkien tuoreuden ja laadun.

Picture: On the left calendula from our own utility garden and on the right purchased calendula


the Best Face Cream Is Born Out of the New Harvest of Calendula!


There Are Differences in Ingredients and They Will Ultimately Be Noticed by Your Skin!




The new harvest of calendula has been extracted and packed into cosmetic pots.

Whipped calendula cream is one of the first products of Kolme and when developing it I thought that I would get buy easier when ordering the calendula ready grown and dried. The difference however between self grown and purchased calendula flowers was crushing - the colour was different, and the smell or absence of smell was clear. Also the flower’s capitulum where the herbal substances are hidden, was completely missing and only petals were available. I decided that I would continue to grow the flowers in my own garden and if I run out of calendula in the middle of the year, then that is the case. I decided not to compromise on quality.


Calendula is a super multifunctional herb in natural cosmetics. You can read more here, 3 reasons to use calendula in skin care.


Calendula Is a Super Plant in Nature and in Skin Care!


Calendula has a long harvest period and new flowers grow very quickly when the previous ones are diligently plucked away. Calendula is easy to grow and for its skin repairing properties it is a real survivor in the garden and grows basically anywhere. In late autumn when the trees have already dropped their leaves and the rest of the nature is preparing for winter the calendula is still pushing its bright orange flowers.


The calendula is picked and dried with the flowers capitulum. Pickin them accelerates the flower stalks to make more buds and therefore it is possible to harvest several times even from a small area.


The harvest season culminates well into autumn when the calendula flowers can be extracted into the gentle, organic almond oil. The vitamin rich calendula extract is finally whipped with unrefined shea butter and other skin care oils to a fluffy cream. 


Shea Butter and Calendula Together Make the Best Natural Cosmetic Face Cream? 


Unrefined shea butter retains all the vitamins and skin-protecting ingredients because it has not been purified and intensively processed. Shea butter resembles the protective effect of the skin’s own fat (sebum) and has been found to have an anti-inflammatory effect. As a natural fat shea butter also balances several kinds of skin symptoms and suits even skin suffering from acne.

Although shea butter is thick fat - it does not clog the skin. In skincare routines Toxfree Whipped Face Cream + Calendula extract should be applied to the skin lastly thus helping to lock in the moisture of the skin and as a non-aqueous cream provides protection against frost and wind.


Shea butter combined with the age-old healing power of calendula makes this face cream a reliable product for many, especially in the autumn.



Calendula Cream is a balm type and thick face cream, but is quickly and easily absorbed into the skin due to lighter oils. Grape seed oil makes the cream very easily absorbed. Its many benefits for the skin are largely based on high levels of vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the outer layers of the skin.

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1 comment

  • Sanna K. on

    Ihan paras kasvovoide. Couperoottinen ja herkkä iho janoaa tätä kesät ja talvet. Iho pysyy kimmoisana ja epäpuhtaudetkin on poissa. xxx

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